Slurm Accounting Database Backup and Restore

Slurm is a workflow and resource manager that runs on High Performance Computing Clusters (read Supercomputers.) This article is a brain dump of my experience performing changes to the associations table in its database. The associations table manages relationships between users and “bank accounts”. Bank accounts are a way to charge for cluster resource utilization, primarily cores, but including other finite resources.

Sacctmgr is the CLI tool used by Slurm to manage its accounting database. Prior to making changes using sacctmgr on a large scale, it is always beneficial to create a backup.

Creating Backups

sacctmgr approach

This backs up the existing sacctmgr associations data to a config file that includes all accounting information. NOTE: restoring from this backup does not delete previous associations. This is a Slurm bug. Therefore, I would highly recommend performing both this for convenience and a MySQL database dump as well.

This is relatively lightweight on the database and can be performed on any node.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Must be run as root or slurmadm

CLUSTER=slurm_cluster # Rosalind cluster name
sacctmgr dump slurm_cluster file=slurm_cluster.cfg

slurmdbd approach

This backs up the entire slurm_acct_db database from your head node.

CAUTION I am unsure whether this has an impact to a running Slurm database or its existing jobs. Dumps can cause downtime while MySQL or MariaDB is under high load in my experience.

  1. ssh to your head node
  2. Create a bash script or run the following commands to back up the file to a .sql file
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M00")
    mysqldump -u $DB_USER -p --databases $DATABASE > $DUMP_OUTPUT_FILE

Restoring from Backups

sacctmgr approach

This restores the existing sacctmgr associations data from a config file that includes all accounting information, that was created via the sacctmgr load command above

This is relatively lightweight on the database and can be performed on any node.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Must be run as root or slurmadm

CLUSTER=slurm_cluster # Rosalind cluster name
sacctmgr load slurm_cluster file=slurm_cluster.cfg

slurmdbd approach

This restores the entire slurm_acct_db database from a SQL Dump created in the previous step.

CAUTION I am unsure whether this restore has an impact to a running Slurm database or its existing jobs. Large SQL operations can cause downtime while MySQL or MariaDB is under high load in my experience.

  1. Stop slurmdbd
  2. Connect to MySQL as root mysql -u root -p
  3. Perform the following to restore database
    DROP DATABASE slurm_acct_db
    CREATE slurm_acct_db
    ## STOP SLURMDBD first
    mysql -u root -p slurm_acct_db < ${DUMP_INPUT_FILE}
  4. Start slurmdbd
